Friday, April 5, 2013


US Flag graphic with image in shape of lower 48 US States

Organizing for Action

If Thursday was any indication, the NRA and the rest of the gun lobby better watch out: Last week's Day to Demand Action to prevent gun violence showed just how much support there is for common-sense legislation like universal background checks.

Here's a quick report back:

-- Grassroots volunteers held more than 130 events across the country with thousands in attendance, from Tucson to West Palm Beach to Portsmouth.

-- Supporters who couldn't make it spoke out online: The hashtag #DemandAction was the #1 trending topic nationally on Twitter, and our top Facebook post received more than 116,000 likes and 23,000 shares on Thursday alone.

-- Our volunteer-led events received local and national media coverage on news outlets across the country, including CNN, Fox News, and hundreds of local ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates.

Members of Congress were back in their home districts last week, and I guarantee they heard our voices.

Whether they do the right thing and pass legislation 92 percent of Americans support -- or cave to the powerful gun lobby -- depends on what we do next.

Thanks for saying you're ready to fight for gun violence prevention. Will you forward this email to five friends and ask them to add their names to yours?